5,656 research outputs found

    Lo fantasmal en el teatro de Francisco Nieva: una aproximación

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    Conferencias y Comunicaciones del primer Congreso Internacional de literatura fantástica y ciencia ficción, celebrado del 6 al 9 de mayo de 2008 en la Universidad Carlos III de Madri

    Age-related differences in pointing accuracy in familiar and unfamiliar environments

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    This study aimed to investigate age-related differences in spatial mental representations of familiar and unfamiliar places. Nineteen young adults (aged 18\u201323) and 19 older adults (aged 60\u201374), all living in the same Italian town, completed a set of visuospatial measures and then pointed in the direction of familiar landmarks in their town and in the direction of landmarks in an unknown environment studied on a map. Results showed that older adults were less accurate in the visuospatial tasks and in pointing at landmarks in an unfamiliar environment, but performed as well as the young adults when pointing to familiar places. Pointing performance correlated with visuospatial tests accuracy in both familiar and unfamiliar environments, while only pointing in an unknown environment correlated with visuospatial working memory (VSWM). The spatial representation of well-known places seems to be well preserved in older adults (just as well as in young adults), while it declines for unfamiliar environments. Spatial abilities sustain the mental representations of both familiar and unfamiliar environments, while the support of VSWM resources is only needed for the latter

    Working Memory Training for Healthy Older Adults: The Role of Individual Characteristics in Explaining Short- and Long-Term Gains

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    Objective: The aim of the present study was to explore whether individual characteristics such as age, education, vocabulary, and baseline performance in a working memory (WM) task\u2014similar to the one used in the training (criterion task)\u2014predict the short- and long-term specific gains and transfer effects of a verbal WM training for older adults. Method: Four studies that adopted the Borella et al. (2010) verbal WM training procedure were found eligible for our analysis as they included: healthy older adults who attended either the training sessions (WM training group), or alternative activities (active control group); the same measures for assessing specific gains (on the criterion WM task), and transfer effects (nearest on a visuo-spatial WM task, near on short-term memory tasks and far on a measure of fluid intelligence, a measure of processing speed and two inhibitory measures); and a follow-up session. Results: Linear mixed models confirmed the overall efficacy of the training, in the short-term at least, and some maintenance effects. In the trained group, the individual characteristics considered were found to contribute (albeit only modestly in some cases) to explaining the effects of the training. Conclusions: Overall, our findings suggest the importance of taking individual characteristics and individual differences into account when examining WMtraining gains in older adults

    Ground Vibration Test of a Small Unmanned Aerial Vehicle

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    A challenge related to the adoption of lightweight, flexible wings is the adverse interactions between aerodynamic and structural forces (i.e. aeroelastic flutter). These interactions can provoke large in-flight deformations of the wings and can lead to severe structural damages. Hence, a good characterization of the structural dynamics of an aircraft is required. A ground vibration test was done to perform a modal identification of a small Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV). Here, the aircraft was suspended using a highly flexible spring to emulate free flight conditions while being connected to a vibration exciter shaker, which induced a known excitation to the structure. The experimental data show the identification of three main frequencies: the first symmetric bending mode (8.47 Hz), the first symmetric torsional mode (26.20 Hz), and the second symmetric bending mode (31.71 Hz). Understanding the underlying characteristics behind the adverse interactions between aerodynamic and structural forces can lead to solving the technical challenges behind the implementation of lightweight, flexible wings. Preliminary results show a promising trajectory for further research to be done in the validation of these models. Likewise, this research will have provided insight in the development of design methodologies to safely exploit the benefits of lightweight flexible aircraft

    Matka kohti impulssien alkuperää : Näyttelijäntyöllisen harjoituskokonaisuuden kehittäminen

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    Tämä opinnäytetyö on laadullinen tapaustutkimus, joka käsittelee näyttelijäntyöllisen harjoituskokonaisuuden kehittämistä. Tutkimuksen lähtökohtana oli kirjoittajan tarve löytää näyttelijöiden välisiin impulsseihin vaikuttavat tekijät sekä luoda henkilökohtainen suhde teatterin lämmittelyperinteeseen. Opinnäytetyön kirjallinen osuus pohjautuu suurelta osin taiteelliseen tutkimukseen. Käytännön harjoittelu tutkimisen verbinä nousi vahvaan osaan prosessin aikana. Muu tutkimusmateriaali koostui teatterialan kirjallisuudesta, kirjoittajan aiemmista kokemuksista sekä prosessin aikana käydyistä keskusteluista työryhmän kanssa. Työryhmä koostui kolmesta teatteri-ilmaisun ohjaajaopiskelijasta, kirjoittaja mukaan lukien. Harjoitteen kehittämisen takana oli ajatus, jonka mukaan erilaiset lämmittelytavat vaikuttaisivat eri tavoin näyttelijöiden välisten impulssien syntyyn ja kulkuun. Tutkimuksen aikana kirjoittaja huomasi lämmittelytapojen vaikutusten olevan subjektiivisia, eikä yhteistä korrelaatiota tietyn lämmittelytavan ja osallistujien impulssiherkkyyden välille syntynyt. Sen sijaan lämmittelytavoilla oli vahva merkitys yhteisen atmosfäärin syntymiseen. Tutkimuksen aikana kirjoittaja muodosti vahvan suhteen lämmittelyihin ja löysi oman näyttelijäntyöllisen ideologiansa.This thesis is a qualitative case study about developing a complete acting-based exercise. The starting point of the thesis was the authors need to find the factors that affect the impulses between actors and to create a personal relationship with the theater’s warming up tradition. The written part of the thesis is mostly based on practiced-based research. Practicing as a verb of research rose to a crucial part during the thesis process. Other research material consisted of literature of theater and arts, the author’s previous experiences and the discussions between the working group during the process. The working group consisted of three Performing Arts students, including the author. The thought behind developing an exercise was that different kinds of warm-ups would affect differently to the origin and mobility of impulses between actors. During the research the author noticed the effects of warm-ups being subjective and that there did not occur any kind of common correlation between certain warm-ups and participants’ impulse sensitivity. Instead, the warm-ups had a great meaning when it came to forming a shared, uniform atmosphere. During research the author built a strong relationship to warm-ups and found her own acting-based ideology

    US & MR Image-Fusion Based on Skin Co-Registration

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    The study and development of innovative solutions for the advanced visualisation, representation and analysis of medical images offer different research directions. Current practice in medical imaging consists in combining real-time US with imaging modalities that allow internal anatomy acquisitions, such as CT, MRI, PET or similar. Application of image-fusion approaches can be found in tracking surgical tools and/or needles, in real-time during interventions. Thus, this work proposes a fusion imaging system for the registration of CT and MRI images with real-time US acquisition leveraging a 3D camera sensor. The main focus of the work is the portability of the system and its applicability to different anatomical districts

    The linguistic profile of 86*RL and its relationship with other early printed songbooks: variation and uniqueness

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    El Cancionero de Llavia (86*RL) salió de la imprenta de los Hurus, en Zaragoza, entre 1484 y 1488 aproximadamente. Su fama se debe, sobre todo, a su reputación de cancionero pionero de los albores de la imprenta en España y a su condición de testimonio de las Coplas por la muerte de su padre de Jorge Manrique. En este artículo presentamos, en primer lugar, un corpus de ocho poemas seleccionados entre los incluidos en el Cancionero de Llavia y, asimismo, el grupo de impresos antiguos —realizados desde finales del siglo XV hasta principios del XVI— que también conservan alguno de los mismos textos. A través del cotejo, para cada uno de los poemas en cuestión, entre las versiones de 86*RL y las de los otros cancioneros impresos hemos podido recabar datos de interés lingüístico —de distinta naturaleza (grafemática, léxica, morfológica, sintáctica)— que, por un lado, permiten contribuir a la descripción de la lengua del Cancionero de Llavia y, por el otro, ponen en evidencia variantes y lecciones únicas de dicho incunable con respecto al resto de la documentación impresa.The Cancionero de Llavia (86*RL) was published by the Hurus printing press in Zaragoza between approximately 1484 and 1488. The fame of this songbook is due, above all, to its reputation as a trailblazer at the dawn of the printing press in Spain and to its status as a print testimony of the Coplas por la muerte de su padre by Jorge Manrique. In this article we present, firstly, a corpus of eight poems selected among those included in the Cancionero de Llavia and then we present the group of old printed songbooks — made from the end of the 15th century to the beginning of the 16th — that also preserve some of the same texts. Through comparing the versions of each of the poems in question from 86*RL and those of the other printed songbooks, we have been able to collect data of linguistic interest (graphematic, lexical, morphological, syntactic); on the one hand, our results allow us to contribute to the description of the language of the Cancionero de Llavia and, on the other, they reveal variants and unique lessons of our incunabulum with respect to the rest of the printed documentation.Esta publicación es parte del proyecto de I+D+i Cancionero, romancero y fuentes impresas (FFI2017-86313-P), financiado por MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033/ y «FEDER Una manera de hacer Europa»

    Mistrz jako wzór życia i myślenia

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    The present article focuses on pedagogical aspects emerging from Chiara Lubich’s written work and oral conversations. Here, three major points are elaborated: the importance of the relationship as a fundamental element of education; the importance of the educational model, conceptualised as the need of an Ideal Teacher source of life inspiration; the concept of thought and knowledge as a service of love to the world. Points of conversation were fostered within the framework of these aspects to develop a model upon which education, thought and action are built as means of fraternal service.Celem artykułu jest ukazanie pedagogicznych aspektów zawartych w niektórych przemówieniach i pismach Chiary Lubich. Przedmiotem niniejszej refleksji są trzy zasadnicze zagadnienia: prymat relacji – jako konstytutywny aspekt wychowania; znaczenie wzoru wychowawczego – rozumianego jako zapotrzebowanie na Ideał Mistrza, który może być inspiracją dla wychowanka; znaczenie poznania i myślenia – rozumianych jako służenie z miłości do świata. W kontekście przedstawionych zagadnień usiłuje się poszerzyć horyzonty dyskusji na temat modelu ukazującego sens wychowania, myślenia i działania jako braterskiego służenia